The main functions of the ignition control system of the gas release ignition device


The main functions of the ignition control system of the gas release ignition device are:
1、 There are three ignition methods available: automatic, manual, and on-site manual.
2、 When the automatic ignition control cabinet receives a release signal, the ignition system starts and immediately generates a high-voltage elevator arc.
3、 The system also provides manual and on-site ignition operation modes for manual use in the control room or on-site.
4、 Set up a thermocouple to detect the temperature of the burner to determine whether it is burning.
5、 When the automatic ignition fails, an alarm signal is issued.
6、 Display temperature signal detected by thermocouple.
7、 Collect relevant on-site data.
8、 Process and display relevant pressure and temperature signals.
9、 Automatically monitor and adjust operating parameters during operation to optimize operating conditions.
10、 Opening and closing control of explosion-proof solenoid valves.
11、 Connection signal between ignition control cabinet and dry dust removal PLC cabinet.
