What is the Role of Fuel Oil Burners in Garbage Incineration Furnaces?


What is the Role of Fuel Oil Burners in Garbage Incineration Furnaces?

The fuel oil burners in garbage incineration furnaces are responsible for injecting oil and air into the furnace at a certain ratio, speed, and mixing method to provide the necessary heat for the start/stop operation of the furnace, as well as for providing necessary auxiliary heat when the waste has a low heat value below the designed value. The role of the fuel oil burners is to start the firing and stop the furnace to control the rate of temperature reduction; when the waste has a low heat value that cannot reach the specified furnace temperature, auxiliary combustion is performed.

When the waste’s heat value is below 8,500 KJ/kg, auxiliary air is needed to be heated; when the waste’s heat value is below 7,500 KJ/kg, an auxiliary combustion device is usually installed to meet the requirement of 850°C combustion temperature and a residence time of smoke gas that does not lower below 2 seconds and meets the requirements of a reduction ratio of ash. When the waste’s heat value is above 8,500 KJ/kg, auxiliary combustion devices cannot be installed, and temporary firing devices must only be installed.

Fuel oil burners mainly include a fuel moisturizer and a gas air conditioning device. The fuel is vaporized into fine oil particles by the moisturizer and sprayed into the furnace at a certain angle with a certain distribution of shape and velocity. The air is typically introduced through the gas air conditioning device with a certain shape and velocity distribution. The moisturizer and gas air conditioning device should cooperate to ensure that most of the air required for combustion is supplied from the torch root in a timely manner, and the air distribution in each torch should adapt to the flow rate density distribution of the fuel mist. At the same time, a certain amount of air should be supplied to the torch tail to ensure that the combustion of char and coke particles takes place.

The fuel oil burners in garbage incineration furnaces are mostly used with low-pressure air moisturizers, with a wind flow speed of about 80m/s and a pressure head of 2-3 KPa. They are also used with light diesel fuel, as well as gaseous fuels such as liquefied petroleum gas and natural gas.
