What are the Basic Characteristics of the Burner


What are the Basic Characteristics of the Burner
In some industrial furnaces with strict requirements for furnace temperature uniformity, such as large heat treatment furnaces and die forging heating furnaces, in order to make the furnace temperature uniform and prevent local overheating of the workpiece, the method of setting circulating fans in the furnace or relying on the burner arrangement to make the furnace gas forced convection and uniform distribution has been adopted for a long time. Since the 1950s, in order to improve the heating quality of large heat treatment furnaces, research and trial production of a burner with a relatively high injection rate of combustion products began. Its basic feature is that the fuel basically burns completely in the first half of the combustion chamber or combustion tunnel. Because the combustion chamber is closed and the pressure is high enough, the high-temperature combustion products are ejected at a high speed of 100~300 m/s. Because the high-speed airflow drives the strong circulation of furnace gas, which greatly strengthens the convection heat transfer in the furnace, the main advantages of the burner are good furnace temperature uniformity and fast heating. In addition, if adjustable secondary air is supplied at the outlet of the combustion chamber or the rear half of the combustion tunnel, the flue gas temperature can also be adjusted. The main disadvantages are the weak radiation ability of flame flow and high noise.

The burner is mainly combined with the combustion tunnel to make the reaction zone have a certain pressure, and obtain a higher injection rate of combustion products through the contraction outlet. The combustion chamber has only a very small nozzle, and the combustion gas has a large injection speed due to volume expansion and pressure and drives the gas in the furnace to generate a strong circulation. In order to ensure a high injection rate, the initial pressure of gas and air must be kept above 200Pa.
